Photo of Meryl A.G. Gonchar

Meryl A.G. Gonchar is Co-Chair of the Sills Cummis & Gross Land Use Practice Group. Her practice encompasses all aspects of land use, redevelopment, zoning and related litigation.

More than ever, the development industry needs permit extension legislation to ensure a robust real estate market once the current public health emergency is resolved. Legislation tracking the Permit Extension Act (PEA) of 2008 (PEA) should be implemented. While the severity of the extended economic downturn more than ten years ago made it difficult, if not impossible, for many commercial and residential developers to continue building, the severity of the situation today is more extreme.
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The New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, Division of Local Government Services (DLGS or Division) yesterday issued “Operational Guidance” to the state’s municipal Planning Boards and Zoning Boards of Adjustment to “ensure continuity of Land Use application procedures” while New Jersey’s State of Emergency remains in effect. The guidance document seeks to “ensure due process is afforded hearings and to remind local units to adhere to appropriate social distancing and health measures as they implement this process.”
Continue Reading NJDCA Issues Guidelines Clearing the Way for Virtual Zoning and Planning Board Hearings